The winner of the stainless steel tea kettle combo is.....
Congrats to Sandy(mrs.mommyy) winner of the Humpday stainless steel tea kettle combo giveaway! Please contact us asap to claim your prize!(
Is Teaching your child to Tie their shoe giving you the blues?...seems hopeless?...have patience, here are a few tips to get your toddler over this challenging feat.
Teaching Your Little Ones To Tie Their Shoelaces
Teaching your child to tie his/her own shoelaces can be great fun if done with plenty of patience, a simple strategy and lots of love. Whatever steps you choose to teach your child be sure to never take for granted (because you do it everyday without thinking) that this can be a confusing and difficult learning experience.
To make learning easier try demonstrating and allowing your child to practice on a large shoe with two different bright colored laces. The colored laces will make each step less confusing as they will be able to differentiate.
A great method to use to teach you child is by telling the bunny story. It goes like this: Make two bunny ears. The bunny runs around the tree, the bunny jumps in a hole, close it up tight!
As your child becomes more and more successful you may want to begin giving him/her their own shoe to practice on, first practice while off, then have them tie them while on.Most important is to remember to give continual praise and support throughout the entire process. You’ll find this can be a great bonding experience with a lesson your child can pass down one day to their own children.