Humpday Give Away Winner & Today's New GiveAway!
Congrats to Jodi of Michigan on winning the Humpday Give Away Espresso Maker! Please contact us ASAP to claim your prize! We wanted to take the time out to thank over 200 wonderful people who entered the Giveaway. Your input on our website was invaluable and we hope that you will visit our website again soon as in the next couple of weeks we will be implementing many of the changes you suggested. Without you there is no us so we will work hard to create for you the best shopping experience possible. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! about another give away? I know many of you mommies out there were thinking an espresso maker is nice but what about the tea drinkers? Poof.....Your wish is my command!
Enjoy a relaxing moment( because mommies usually don't get much longer than that!)alone while you pamper yourself with a nice hot cup of green tea. This stainless still tea kettle and assorted green teas are valued retail at $43.99.
Rules: In order to be entered into the give away you are required to leave a comment which consist of two questions that you have related to health and fitness. That's it you're entered! The winner will receive this wonderful giveaway and as well their health and fitness questions will also be featured on our blog on the following, Fitness Friday(Sept 19th).Your questions will be answered by our guest bloggers/ fitness and nutrition experts! Good Luck!
Note: This giveaway ends Sept 17th and is open to the US only
Does green tea really do what it says?
Do kids and adults really need supplements?
What is something natural to help with premenopause symptoms?
Grill with friends and watch fireworks.
What is a good combination of exercise and diet for reducing cholesterol?
What are the benefits of eating more whole grains?
1)Does Speed walking burn the same calories as a slow jog?
2)Will a multivitamin help with weight lose?
what are some effective exercises to get rid of belly fat. What is best to eat before/after exercising?
What kind of exercises are less strenuous to the back and neck but will still strengthen the abdomen? Are there any supplement that will help slow down hair grouth especially facial?
I've been on Interferon and PegIntron treatments. Is there a supplement that can help with giving you energy and not be just a "quick fix"?
Also, is there something that can help with my hair? It is now very fine and brittle?
What do you think of the theory of muscle confusion?
WHen is it time to stop losing weight?
How the heck do you get enough exercise when you have sciatica shooting pains all the time for 8 1/2 years?? Someone please tell me.
What is the best way to deal with allergies?
What exercise is best for toning arms without looking masculine?
I use rewards to give me motivation for exercising. What are some good non-food related rewards?
What is a good way to treat sciatica without medication or costly physical therapy?
I recently found out I have high cholesterol. I've always been normal. I can't think of anything I'm doing different. Can high levels of stress cause this?
Is decaffinated green tea as effective as caffinated?
1- Is there a safe way to treat chronic fatigue associated with endometriosis?
2- What specific exercises help you get the rear end back to perfection after having children?
One more but just for curiosity... What is your favorite workout video that you feel gives the best results?
Congrats Jodi from Michigan!
And thanks for this give-a-way chance! It is fun!
Two questions...
1. What is the best whole food suppliment to take and how do I find it?
2. Where is a good place to find a work out program that encourages muscle confussion?
What does flax seed do for you? How do you get motivated to exercise?
Thank you for having this!
Is there any diet pills that really work?
What is the best 30 minute a day exercise? Is it treadmill or aerobics or weights?
Thank you!
How long does it take to lose muscle if you stop working out?
After watching those commercials what really are the health benefits of High Fructose corn syrup?
Is it too late to start working out at age 49? And if not, what is the best way to a gym, or at home?
Nice gift for the tea lover in my family.
Does decaf tea offer the same benefits as regular tea?
What are the benefits of taking a small dose of cider vinegar daily?
Does turmeric really help with arthritis pain?
Can ginko really save me from early onset mommy dementia?
how does one create a diet based on your individual health needs? are there ways of subutly exersizing at your desk?
Should I eat my usual breakfast before my morning workout at the YMCA, or something smaller? Does exercise now reduce my risk of breaking bones later in life?
What can be used to help ease the pain from nerve damage? I am tired living on morphine!
Is green tea the best thing to drink to load up on antioxidants?
I am a 58 yr old woman who has lost 30 lbs this year and have about 30 more to lose. I have arthritus, asthma, high blood pressure and high cholestrol. I also have 3 herniated disks in my neck and 2 in my lower back. I have done away with carbs and am eating meat mostly chicken and veggies I have started juicing to get more veggies into my diet
My questions are these:
I can not seem to tone up my lose skin on my legs and arms I also have excese loose skin on my lower stomach WHat do you recommnd I have exercize machines and can do limited exercizes for short periods of time too much make my asthma flare up or my back starts to hurt
Thank you for a great contest
Is there an best time of the day to work out? How do I measure my fitness level and progress?
What type of exercise that doesn't physically wipe you out, can be done while on chemo?
What kinds of vitamins should be taken everyday?
Thank you for the interesting giveaway.
Thanks for your cool blog! Here are my questions. What is the quickest and safest way to get rid of those last 10 pounds? Is there a satisfying diet and excercise plan that can help? Thank you! :)
What is the best way to loose weight while taking Femora for breast cancer, which makes you GAIN weight??
1. Is using Splenda all day long harmful to my health at all? 2. Along the same about my diet drinks?
1. What is the best way to shrink your uterus and lose baby fat after pregnancy?
2. What is the best diet pill, and the pros and cons on it?
I'd love to win!!!
what is the best tea to help dieters and how much is to much when it comes to dieting
Should "stretching'" be done before or after aerobic walking?
What is a good plan of daily weight training for an older woman.
What is a good tea for use during you period
Do children need EFA supplements?
should pregnant women get the flu shot?
Is a cheaper multivitamin pill as good as a more expensive one?
tiramisu392 (at)
What is a good combination of exercise and diet for reducing cholesterol?
Is there anything that really helps for hot flashes?
Are CoQ10 supplements really good for you?
Thank you!
Is there anything that will help COPD? I am on O2 24/7
1. Is jogging excessively hard on the knees?
2. Is twice a week riding a stationary bike adequate
Do other teas work like green/white as in the more mature they get the properties differ?
How can I motivate myself even through health issues when it hurts and isn't going to stop if/when I get used to it?
I have been a yo-yo dieter and so will it always be harder for me to lose weight because of it or just during yo-yo phases?
What is the best thing to eat right before a workout and right after a workout? Or should I eat anything?
Should I focus on weight lifting or cardio to loose weight? I'm having a hard time finding a good multi-vitamin. Is there really that much of a difference between all the different ones offered now-a-days?
Is glucosamine really good for RA?
What can I do to give myself more energy?
best exercise routine for kids and for adults is it okay to do exercise(light) after dinner? say around 9.00 pm when kids are in the bed?
Do vitamins really work?
Does walking help you tone your stomach?
Will antioxidants really make any difference if they are included in my diet?
What is the best exercise right before pregnancy?
When should I exercise...morning or evening? And should I eat before or after I exercise?
I'm getting a little more "mature" and want to know: What exercises won't be hard on my joints but will help strengthen my abs and tone my thighs/butt?
Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
how common is osteoporosis in a women under the age of 40? What foods should I be eating more/less? What exercises are best/worst for those with a higher t-score in their spine? Also, could taking synthroid for 5+ years be a catalyst for osteoporsis?
trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
What are the benefits of drinking coffee daily?
Are there any foods that are good for dealing with dandruff?
When is it safe to begin jogging after having a baby? What is the most effective form of yoga?
1) Should you do weight training before or after cardio to maximize calorie burn?
2) Low carb? Low fat? Help?!
oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com
Is it true that Green Tea is suppose to keep cancer away? What is Flax seed?
Is there a vitamin supplement for high cholesterol?
What is the best diet pill available?
I'd love to win your tea kettle giveaway!
Are parasites common in humans?
Does sleep apnea go way after losing weight?
What is the best exercise routine for an anemic person to follow?
How much exercise is enough a week?
How effective and safe is the HPV vaccine?
What is the best way to get relief from the pain of arthritic joints without medication?
Thanks for the humpday contest!
Is Stevia safer than chemical sweeteners? How much water should I drink when I go swimming? Thanks for the contest.
what are some natural ways to help allergies? Does weight training help you in a cardiovascular sense
My daughter is 23- is she too old for the HPV virus vaccine?
And- what exercises can I do to tone my belly and thighs when I have a serious and permanent shoulder injury?
My health question is what is the safest and most effective "natural" way to relieve symptoms of PMS. I do not want to take any form of prescription in order to help eliminate some of my mood swings and feelings of being bloated, etc. but when I go to the drug store and try and select an over the counter "natural" product I find the choices are overwhelming. Any suggestions for the common symptoms of PMS relief? My question related to fitness is, is there such a thing as too much exercise? I am a sort of fitness "freak" and am thinking perhaps I tend to over-do my workouts. I am afraid if I don't work out enough, I won't be able to maintain my body the way I want to. Right now I work out 5-6 days a week at the gym, run about 4 miles 4-5 times a week, and I also love Yoga. Thank you for the opportunity to ask these questions today!
1. Does hair regrowth products work? 2. What is the best exercise for firming the posterior?
1. what is the best multivitamin for women?
2. does decaff green tea work as well as the regular stuff
What is the best way to maximize a workout? Why do some diets want you avoid fruit?
What's the best way to tone up the sides of my body (love handles)? How can I slim my thighs w/o gaining muscle there and looking bulky?
What is the best exercise for you lower abs?
What is the healthiest alcholic drink?
I want to find customized charts for dieting because an individual's metabolism will burn calories at different rates.
should i count calories or carbs?
what is the average weight for a woman 5 ft 7 in?
Is green tea ok to drink while nursing?
When is it ok to exersize after giving birth?
If you must take steroid medication or other medications that cause weight gain, how long does it generally take to lose that type of weight?
There is a commercial on TV now that says corn syrup (in moderation) is as safe and good for you as honey -- is it?
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
1. What weight bearing exercises do you recommend for bone strength?
2. Are tums as good for bones as calcium supplements?
#1 question: Can you count any type of liquid, such as soda, tea, coffee, etc as the amount of water you need to drink?
#2 question: Is there any thing that can be done to save what elasticity you have left as you age. can you halt the process on your arms and legs?
Is it true diet soda is just as bad as regular soda?
If so, what are good healthy substitutes for diet soda ( I drink about 5 a day).
What supplements can you take for energy and mental clarity?
I have an old fracture on one of my lumbar vertebrae, what are some ab exercises that won't bother my back so much?
what's the best time of the day to work out?
what's the best low sin snack to have?
Is macadamia nut oil better for us than olive oil? Besides milk, what are other ways to build strong bones and teeth?
Is eating grilled food bad for you?
Do vitamins really help?
What are recommended strategies for dealing with insomnia? What are good substitutes for getting calcium if you're lactose intolerant?