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Little Hands Boutique

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Design and Graphics by Alison Jerabek

Please,Sorry and Thank You! Praising Positive Behavior in Toddlers

As busy moms one of the things that can really make your day challenging is spending lots of time correcting and issuing discipline to exploring (putting it politely) toddlers. It makes our day so much easier when our little ones display those positive behaviors we love most. Well, your toddler is not perfect and who wants them to be? It's those exploring times that give you the opportunity to teach, correct and bond with your toddler while building character. However, in between character building we have to wash dishes, do laundry, cook dinner and the list goes on....So how do we get our toddler to practice regular good behavior? The power is in the praise!

Praise your toddler to reinforce positive behavior- Here are some tips:

Teach good manners and praise your toddler each time they use them(ie: What a polite little man mommy has!)

Give more time to praise than correction- Be concise but firm with correction so your toddler is aware that this is behavior you are not happy with. When praise is due spend double the time giving compliments and hugs and kisses. Toddlers thrive off of attention and whichever action gets the most attention will be the action he/she chooses to repeat.

Speak in a very proud energetic tone when giving praise. Toddlers feed of of your energy. When they realize how happy they have made you they will seek to continue this particular action creating valuable lasting habits.

What are your suggestions for reinforcing positive behavior?

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