Your Upscale Resale for Little Gents and Ladies!

Little Hands Boutique

Free eBook!

Tiny Talk is offering a great (free!) eBook for all you mommies out there considering giving up the rat race to work at home online: the "Moms Working Online" eBook. Simply select the link to download or view your own copy of this excellent resource.


Design and Graphics by Alison Jerabek

It's Fit Friday!- Yoga Improves Concentration and Motivation

Welcome to to Fitness Fridays where we will try to keep you in the loop with up to date health, fitness and nutrition information. Mommies are constantly giving, but if we dont take care of ourselves there will be nothing left to give....Take care of you.

Here is a great article discussing two ways in which Yoga is beneficial to you. Concentration and Motivation....what mom couldnt use those!