Your Upscale Resale for Little Gents and Ladies!

Little Hands Boutique

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Design and Graphics by Alison Jerabek

What to Do if Your Child is a "Character Cutie"

Or, 'You Know You're the Parent of a Character Fanatic if...'

  • You're sick and tired of the words:

"High School Musical"
"Hannah Montana"
"[Insert favorite t.v. show or sports team here]'"

  • Your impulse purchase budget is always being spent on pricey brand-name versions of ordinarily inexpensive children's clothing
  • You can't enter (and successfully leave) any clothing related store without (a.) purchasing said character items or (b.) witnessing a character-related meltdown from said fanatic child
As much as you are probably wishing that we are about to reveal a top-secret 10-step program to cure the character fanatic(s) in your family, but sadly, there is only one way we can soothe your pain while you wait for this phase to pass: find budget friendly solutions for your Character Cutie's apparel.





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