Tips on Being a WAHM When You Have Toddlers
More and more moms are taking the leap into the growing pool of Wahm's. It is a freedom that moms have found to be unmeasurable. Although working at home has great advantages, such as: creating your own hours, possibly forfeiting the cost of daycare and having the great privilege to teach and care for your little ones at home, as well as savings in the form of less gas and time traveling. Sounds great right? Well not so fast....this wonderful life also come with it's challenges, and when you have a toddler at home that is and understatement, but with thought and preparation it can still be a win/win situation. Here are some tips on successfully working at home when you have a toddler in the home.
1. Be realistic- Do your research and choose your work at home job or business wisely. Many telecommuting positions can still be time consuming and require constant quiet, therefore a child in the home during work hours would be inappropriate(ie: customer service). Be sure that your choice fits your needs.
2. Keep work physically separate from children. Create a viable workspace and keep children out of this area, this ensures the safety of the children as well as work related items. However as moms we know that it is always a good idea to childproof every area of the home as a precaution.
3. Muti-task- When possible take advantage of times when you are able to work and care for children at the same time. For example if there are some calls you can make with the children around, be creative and set up a play office area for your toddler, they love to imitate and this will keep them busy as you finish up last minute things. This is helpful as long as you are able to work and keep and eye out at the same time. Be careful to assess when the task does not allow you to work and care for your child at the same time. Know when you should set aside work to care for your child. Never step over this boundary.
4. Take full advantage of nap time: This is a valuable time, be sure not to get distracted and waste time on things that you can do when your toddler is awake
5. Try to arrange a play date with a family member or friend once a week if possible. This will give you some time to devote undivided attention to your work.
Being a Wahm is not to be taken lightly. It should be given careful thought and you should have a well laid out plan if you intend to be successful. But when all is said and done it can prove to be a great way to support your family without having to give up the care of your family to strangers. Good Luck!