Summer is just around the corner ....are your little darlings all set for picnics in the park and romp time in the back yard? Not to mention the countless expeditions and adventures we mommies plan for the best "tortured fun" you have all year. Don't get me wrong, the memories are priceless, but the " I have to go potty" when there is no bathroom in sight, "I'm hungry" in the middle of the guided tour (only after refusing to have anything but a drink box at lunch)or how about picking and pouting for the only stuffed animal at the zoo's gifts shop that cost $39.99??!( what about a cute little globe for 8.99? No way.) Yes, as moms we have to be prepared for everything! So here are a few tips for having adventures that go off without a hitch( okay that run a little smoother... lol)
1. ) Always, always have potty runs before you leave the house and at whatever spot you stop at that is clean and convenient. ( Take your own paper toilet covers with..if your paranoid about germs like me!)." I don't have to go potty now" Nope, not gonna fly little one. Try try anyway! Lastly limit drinking as much as possible to areas where children can potty soon after.
2) Always carry portable snacks; crackers, cookies, or even cut up fruit. Children are very finicky and will usually only want to eat when it is not convenient.
3) Help your little one make good decisions. Give him/her limits like ( only 1 toy or nothing over $10.00) then let them make their own choice like a big boy or girl.
These are just a few tips you may or may not already do, if not, hopefully this helps.
Here's to a fun and painless summer!

9:50 AM
Author: Tiny Talk

Hard economic times have caused many smart mommies to shop second hand stores. The great thing about moms is that we learn quickly how to be frugal, yet still keep our families happy and looking great! I for one believe that sometimes great things can come from bad situations. For example shopping second hand in hard times! Kids grow quickly and while their clothes don't grow, many times they are in great condition and have tons of wear left in them. Why not wear named brand clothes for less than half the price. Let's face it, even before these hard times many families could not afford certain brand names. Second Hand shopping allows you to wear the best for less. Stores like take pride in bringing you items that look great at a fraction of the cost you would have paid. Don't take my word for it.....Look for yourself. Shop Now.
8:02 AM
Author: Tiny Talk

If your like most mommies who have school- age children mornings can be SO chaotic. You have to get the little ones cleaned, dressed and fed all before rushing off to school. Here are a few tips to kick the Morning Chaos.
1. Try making a breakfast casserole at night. Prepare this quick meal before bed so all you have to do is warm it up in the morning.
2. Did you know that breakfast burritos freeze great? Prepare a batch and take them out to heat up for breakfast.
3. Try a quick breakfast like boiled eggs with toast and juice.
4. A great time saver is to set the table for breakfast at night with a vitamin by each plate and all. One mom said she even put the stopper in the sink with a bit of dish washing liquid in preparation for clean up.
5. Attempt to find hairstyles for girls that can last a couple of days at at time or if that's not possible, have all necessary bows and accessories to go with outfits already laid out.
6. Iron school clothes for the week on weekends.
These tips may not be for you, but consider your morning routine and take note to what task can be done at night or in a more efficient manner. Each minute shaves time wasted and gives you more control over the Chaotic Morning Blues!
Good luck
2:15 PM
Author: Tiny Talk

April Showers ...........
Bring May Flowers!
In some parts of the world spring is starting to rear it's pretty little head and in others parts flowers probably wont bloom for yet another month or two,
But no matter what part of the world you live in(just about), you can bet your bottom dollar that April showers and May flowers will eventually make their way to your doorstep. With that being said,
mommies we can count on many days at the park, zoo, aquarium etc. You and your little balls of energy will be steppin out everywhere! Why not stop by
LittleHandsBoutique and prepare those little feet to step into spring with style.
Whether it be sandals
Gym Shoes

Or even .......
Dress Shoes for Easter !

We've got a variety to choose from.... so get a head start on preparing those little feet for loads of fun!

9:24 AM
Author: Tiny Talk
What's New At LittleHandsBoutique?
Yes....we've heard it for months now....we are definitely in a recession. Food prices are soaring, Gas is inching back up and money is definitely not growing on trees....but I have good news! ( I saved 100.00 on my insurance at Gieco!...okay, I know bad joke but I couldn't resist) Okay really the good news is that LittleHandsBoutique has been scouring the city to find the most adorable fashions at bargain basement prices! Check out some of our latest finds...You wont be disappointed!
This adorable 2
pc by George absolute steal...Priced to go and ready to wear!

or put your little dainty
fashionista into this lovely
Tomy Hilfiger Set and she'll be the envy of her playgroup.

Not yet convinced? How about this adorable spring raincoat made
especially for your little sunshine!

Want more? Stop on by
LittleHandsboutique now...What are your waiting for? Get going!

2:10 PM
Author: Tiny Talk
Second-hand. Used. Recycled.
What do you feel when you hear each of these words? 'Second-hand' might bring back painful memories of wearing an older sibling's (or cousin's) bell bottoms that were so last year, while 'used' might conjure up images of a slimy car salesman dishing up a lemon for your first car, yet once you throw the word 'recycled' into the mix, the whole mood changes. 'Recycled' has happy vibes, with images of sparkling clean water, green, green grass, and smiling children frolicking in bright sunshine. Truth be told, you are probably thinking that the day you don't buy your kid(s) brand-new off-the-rack clothing is the day you finally accept poverty as your fate. Sadly, this mentality can cause you untold dollars of un-necessary clothing costs as your little ones grow up, especially when they are in the toddler stage of outgrowing everything before it wears out. Today, I'd like you to go back and reformat your perceptions on gently-used clothing. Replace words like 'used' and 'second-hand' with 'recycled.' By purchasing recycled clothing, instead of new items from Big Box Retailers, you'll be saving a lot of green and supporting small businesses run by ordinary moms and dads, like Little Hands Boutique. Want to see how you could save by changing the way you think about second-hand clothing? Check out our Price Wars series:

11:53 PM
kid's clothing,
saving money,
the Budget Stretcher.
Author: AJae