Your Upscale Resale for Little Gents and Ladies!

Little Hands Boutique

Free eBook!

Tiny Talk is offering a great (free!) eBook for all you mommies out there considering giving up the rat race to work at home online: the "Moms Working Online" eBook. Simply select the link to download or view your own copy of this excellent resource.


Design and Graphics by Alison Jerabek

Price Wars 2: Essentials for Your Baby Girl

Last week, we compared three essential items for your little guy's wardrobe in a price check that pitted our prices against various big-box retailers. This week, we're proving that LHB has the best deals for toddler girls, too.

Exhibit A, the cute top:

$2.99, LHB

$16.50, BB-R

(Savings: $13.51)

Exhibit B, her new favorite boot:

$7.99, LHB

$29.99, BB-R

(Savings: $22.00)

Exhibit C, the adorable but durable jean:



(Savings: $24.51)

Total Savings: $60.02

Coats and outer gear are up for next week's pricing face-off, so to ensure you don't miss any of our budget saving advice, don't forget to hit that subscribe button before you click onward in your online travels today. See you next week!

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