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Design and Graphics by Alison Jerabek

Kick The Chaotic Morning Blues

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If your like most mommies who have school- age children mornings can be SO chaotic. You have to get the little ones cleaned, dressed and fed all before rushing off to school. Here are a few tips to kick the Morning Chaos.

1. Try making a breakfast casserole at night. Prepare this quick meal before bed so all you have to do is warm it up in the morning.

2. Did you know that breakfast burritos freeze great? Prepare a batch and take them out to heat up for breakfast.

3. Try a quick breakfast like boiled eggs with toast and juice.

4. A great time saver is to set the table for breakfast at night with a vitamin by each plate and all. One mom said she even put the stopper in the sink with a bit of dish washing liquid in preparation for clean up.

5. Attempt to find hairstyles for girls that can last a couple of days at at time or if that's not possible, have all necessary bows and accessories to go with outfits already laid out.

6. Iron school clothes for the week on weekends.

These tips may not be for you, but consider your morning routine and take note to what task can be done at night or in a more efficient manner. Each minute shaves time wasted and gives you more control over the Chaotic Morning Blues!

Good luck