Your Upscale Resale for Little Gents and Ladies!

Little Hands Boutique

Free eBook!

Tiny Talk is offering a great (free!) eBook for all you mommies out there considering giving up the rat race to work at home online: the "Moms Working Online" eBook. Simply select the link to download or view your own copy of this excellent resource.


Design and Graphics by Alison Jerabek

We're Back....

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If you have been wondering if Tiny Talk fell off the face of the earth...the answer is no, just fighting a mild illness and we won! So many apologies for not updating you with great info and prizes for the last week or so, but as mommies you know you have to take care of you or you wont be able to take care of anyone else. With that being said we're back and will be doing our best to stay on track and bring to you great info this last half of breast cancer month and promise to end the month with a great giveaway to remember! In the meantime please dont let the next few days get away without browsing this very useful site Breast Cancer Awareness Month It is a great site that will offer you tons of information and direction on breast cancer. Whether you are newly diagnosed, A survivor, or just curious about how you learn more and provide support for this great cause, This site answers all those questions and more.

Then after browsing that site, mosey on over to this
great website . This cool website provides great must have products and guess what? All the proceeds will go to breast cancer research! What better incentive is there to Shop! You can shop and feel great about every penny you spend!

Remember to stay informed and take advantage of all the great information that is highlighted this month!