Dont Believe the Hype....Family Time Still Rules!
Family time is important to me, but it just seems the older my children get the more they think everything I say and do is "friendly". Now for all you moms that are not quite as hip as me(yeah right), friendly in teenage language(at least in the southern parts)means square. I pretty much just ignor all the smart remarks and force them to spend time with me, my husband and our two year old(we are the outcast).
I've been wanting to do a collage for my two year old's room with pictures of our family and decided this was the weekend to do it. You cant imagine the moans, groans,random Oh my goodness's!, I cant believe this!, This is so lame!, This is just plain friendly! and my favorite"Just shoot me now!"... Yep I just ignored them and explained that we were gonna help Kayla(my 2 year old) cut out picture of the family and together figure out what words or phrases we want to go under the pictures. Blank stares from everyone, but my smiling Kayla.
Anyway everyone starts painfully cutting out pictures, but while looking at old pictures they could'nt resist laughing and making smart remarks about each and every photo. They begin to ask questions about pictures and then I got to tell stories that otherwise they would have never been interested in hearing. By the time we finally finished we had laughed ourselves silly and they reluctantly admitted they had fun, although they did say they would never admit it if asked again....WHATEVER!
So for all you parents that hesitate to do things that seem a bit "friendly" with your growing family...hey try never know! As far as I am concerned Family Time still rules!