Your Upscale Resale for Little Gents and Ladies!

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The Best of Both Worlds- Make Money and be a SAHM!

Whether you are a stay at home mom, an aspiring stay at home mom or even just really need more money coming into the household, ladies this article is for you.

One of the worst days of my life was the day I dropped my little girl off to daycare for the first time. She screamed and kicked and reached out to me yelling my name. I ran to the car and cried. That day I made up in my mind that working full time for me would only be temporary. I went home and focused on what I could do to make enough money to stay at home and care for my little sweet heart. As I researched different business ideas it was very frustrating. It seem that there were so many scam artist just waiting to take my money, fill me with high hopes, only to leave me disgusted with myself for being so vulnerable. Believe me I’ve tried it all and sometimes I even felt I might get taken, but I had to know if it was a legitimate opportunity so I would just try. My mother always said that you will never see success without experiencing failure. Well after trying what seemed like hundreds of other business ideas for work at home I finally found something that could supply the income I needed to make my dream of being a stay at home come true. Now you definitely will not become rich doing this and it is not easy, but it is a legitimate opportunity and I made money quickly.

The Wonderful World of Amazon

I know many of you may have heard of Amazon before or even purchased a book or two online. Some of us have even been as savvy as to try and sell old school books for money. Did you know that thousands of people make their living selling on Amazon? When I heard this it was from a girlfriend whose job was just to input the books for a woman whose company sold books on Amazon. Well like I stated earlier, I am someone who is willing to give almost any good opportunity a try.
After doing my research I found that selling on Amazon is as easy as setting up an account ( in five minutes and poof, begin selling. I started out by putting two books I had laying around the house online, to my surprise when I awoke up the next morning the books had sold! I had made 20 dollars while I slept! Okay now I was hooked! I spent the next week researching the Amazon’s online community to learn the in’s and out’s of the business. I was absolutely amazed to find so many people who had been making their living this way for years. I knew I had stumbled upon something that would change me forever because it would help affirm that I didn’t need a 9-5 to bring in money, I could do my part and take care of my little angel as well!

Pay attention because what’s coming next is valuable information.

Where To Get Books To Sell On Amazon

One of the most valuable places you can get books to sell on Amazon is auctions. Many places such as the Goodwill and the Salvation Army in your area will have weekly auctions for books. To my surprise you are able to by very large boxes of books somewhere in the range many times of 15-40.00. These boxes will use have 200+ books in each. As you can imagine you will need someplace to store these books( I used my garage) About ¼ of these books will be good sellers but you will usually make about 5 times what you paid.

The second place to purchase books is at the Thrift Stores. Usually I purchase books for $2 and under and resell them on line from 10-25.00. This is a huge return and the great thing is that it is not limited to just books, you can also sell cd, vhs and dvd’s.

Garage sell, Church sells, local half price books and library sells are all places you can find books to sell. Also make sure to visit a website called which will provide you with information regarding book sales in your area for whatever state you live in.

I definitely did not become rich selling on Amazon but I made as much enought money to cover groceries and utility bills. This is not an easy job and requires dedication like anything else, but you can make your own hours and everything is done from home. My husband would come from work and we would package books to go out the next morning. The great thing about the modern world is that there are so many tricks of the trade to help you make life easier. One convenience is having the post office pick up packages at my door each morning which can be order by going on the night before. To do this you will need to get an account with or so that you are able to print you own stamps.

This business also requires impeccable customer service. When you are entering your item description, be honest about the condition of your book. Think about how you would feel if you thought you purchased one thing and received something else. Your rating on Amazon is given to you by your customer so being responsive to their needs will carry you a long way. The better your feedback from customer is the better chances you have of selling your book before someone else. Provide quick response to questions and concerns and you will receive great feedback and maybe become a seller of choice.

Another piece of invaluable information is that all of amazons books have ratings. The lower the rating the better chance your book has of selling. You can find the rating on the sales page as you are entering your book for resell. If this number is above 500000 the likely hood that the book will sell quickly is slim. However it the rating is under the 300000 the book will probably sell in a couple of weeks under 200,000 usually will sell within a week.

How do you get Paid

The beauty in all of this is that you are paid as often as you sell if you like. You will set up your account which is linked to your bank account and you can transfer the money as you make it or allow it to transfer automatically every two weeks. Note: when you transfer the money it does take 3-4 days to get to your account. I usually would transfer every hundred dollars. What ever way works best for you.

Bonus: The best kept secret I found when working on Amazon came in the form of a scanner that I purchased after about 6 months of selling. This is a product that will tell you before you buy how much the product will sell for on Amazon as well as the rating. I will admit it was a little pricy(almost 800.00) but after selling for awhile on Amazon you will be able to afford it too. This product will more than double your profits.

The great thing about selling on Amazon is your target market can be the whole world, Amazon receive millions of visitors a day. You don’t have to solicit business, it comes to you.

If you are really serious about being a stay at home mom I believe this will help you do it.

Like anything else this may not be for everyone, if it is not for you dont give up, check back often as we will be posting more ideas soon!

Good Luck Ladies

God Bless

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  1. Comment by Em Edwards on July 24, 2008 at 9:31 PM  

    wow, that is fantastic! Good for you! I will have to give it a try.
    Take Care,

  2. Comment by Judy on July 28, 2008 at 10:47 AM  

    Wow, what a great article, thanks for sharing!

  3. Comment by Judy on July 28, 2008 at 12:49 PM  

    Hi, Is it ok if I link this post to my blog?


  4. Comment by Tiny Talk on July 28, 2008 at 3:30 PM  

    Of course Judy, That would be great...I am happy to see this information spreading!