Your Upscale Resale for Little Gents and Ladies!

Little Hands Boutique

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Tiny Talk is offering a great (free!) eBook for all you mommies out there considering giving up the rat race to work at home online: the "Moms Working Online" eBook. Simply select the link to download or view your own copy of this excellent resource.


Design and Graphics by Alison Jerabek

Adventures of Plastic Mommy

Welcome to the Official Blog of LittleHandsBoutique

Little Hands Boutique is Upscale Resale for named brand childrens clothes size NB to 5t.

This blog celebrates all Plastic mommies. Now I guess you are probably wondering what a plastics mom is. Well try cooking breakfast, fixing lunches, fixing hair, wiping noses and the list goes on! For some of us we are doing all these things while tending to the biggest kid of all…the husbands.

We are often times pulled in so many different directions….we are chefs, chauffeurs, referees, and more…….almost like a plastic woman! This blog will share wonderful stories that will make you laugh, cry and feel inspired! It is meant to offer advice on many of the challenges we face as mommies and last but certainly not least…it is here to celebrate “you”, not just you the plastic mommy, but "you" the mommy , "you" the wife, "you" the friend, business owner, empowered woman, etc…you get the picture. Little Hands Boutique celebrates all of who you are…..our hats off to the plastic mommy in you!

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  1. Comment by Unknown on August 11, 2008 at 9:36 PM  

    Thank you so much for speaking to how hectic life can be for us mommies. I took a special liking to this blog because I am a single mom, with most of the issues you described. Thanks for being here and being intune to the struggle of the single mom.