Your Upscale Resale for Little Gents and Ladies!

Little Hands Boutique

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Design and Graphics by Alison Jerabek

Step Into Spring!

April Showers ...........

Bring May Flowers!

In some parts of the world spring is starting to rear it's pretty little head and in others parts flowers probably wont bloom for yet another month or two, But no matter what part of the world you live in(just about), you can bet your bottom dollar that April showers and May flowers will eventually make their way to your doorstep. With that being said, mommies we can count on many days at the park, zoo, aquarium etc. You and your little balls of energy will be steppin out everywhere! Why not stop by LittleHandsBoutique and prepare those little feet to step into spring with style.

Whether it be sandals

Gym Shoes

Or even .......Dress Shoes for Easter !

We've got a variety to choose from.... so get a head start on preparing those little feet for loads of fun!

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